Ne.T.S. is located at IUSS, Palazzo del Broletto, Piazza della Vittoria 15, I-27100 Pavia (Italy)
Both Malpensa and Linate airports are pretty well connected to Pavia (but only Malpensa has intercontinental flights).
Linate is much closer to Pavia.
By taxi the whole trip would take 40 minutes and the cost would be around 80 euros.
Alternatively, from Linate there are many options:
- Direct bus to Pavia
- Take a coach to Milano Centrale, and then a train to Pavia.
- Take a cab to Milano Rogoredo (approximately 15 euros), and then a train to Pavia.
- Take a bus to San Babila, the metro (red line) to Loreto and the metro (green line) to Milano Centrale, and then a train to Pavia.
Pavia is rahter close to Milan and few hotels are available downtown; people often decide to find an accommodation in Milan (possibly close to
Milan - Pavia train shuttle stations).
For accommodation (both in Pavia & Milan), we suggest to browse
Booking and/or
Airbnb offers (Hotel Moderno, Aurora and Excelsior are the closest ones to the city center and to IUSS) .
Another typical opportunity for staying in Pavia is to ask for a room in one of our College Guesthouses: