Andrea Sereni
Andrea Sereni (26.07.77) is Associate Professor (M-FIL/05) at the School of Advanced Studies IUSS in Pavia. He graduated in Philosophy at the University of Bologna (2001), where he also completed his PhD in Analytic Philosophy (2006). He was Resarch Fellow (assegnista di ricerca, 2008-2010) and then Lecturer (Ricercatore a Tempo Determinato, M-FIL/02, 2010-2014) at the Faculty of Philosophy of San Raffaele University, Milan. He has taught courses at the Universitires of Bologna, Modena and Reggio Emilia, Parma, and in the Faculties of Medicine (MD International Program; Biotecnology) and Psychology at San Raffaele University. He was visiting fellow at Arché Centre at St.Andrews University (2005), at Munich Centre for Mathematical Philosophy (2013), at the “PPP Project” at the Unversity of Oslo (2013), and has spent Erasmus+ training exchanges in Paris (IHPST, 2017) and Oxford (2017).

His publications and research focus on epistemology and philosophy of mathematics and logic, with particular attention to the philosophy of mathematics of Gottlob Frege, logicism and neo-logicism, the nominalism/platonism debate, the epistemological problems concerning mathematical knowledge, mathematical naturalism, the indispensability argument, mathematical explanation, logical and mathematical pluralism, and the foundations of mathematics.

He is a member of the research centres NeTS, CRESA and COGITO, and coordinator of the Italian Network for the Philosophy of Mathematics FilMat (

He has been publishing papers in national and international journals. Beyond that, he is author, with Marco Panza (IHPST, CNRS, Paris) of "Plato’s Problem; An Introduction to Mathematical Platonism" (revised edition of "Il problema di Platone. Un’introduzione storica alla filosofia della matematica", Carocci, Roma, 2010; French edition "Introduction à la philosophie des mathématiques", Flammarion, 2013); with Francesca Boccuni (Università San Raffaele) he co-edited "Objectivity, Realism and Proof. FilMat Studies in the Philosophy of Mathematics" (Springer, BSPHS, forthcoming); with Daniele Molinini and Fabrice Pataut, he coedited "Indispesnability and Explanation", Synthese Special Issue (2016); with Mario Alai and Giorgio Volpe he coedited "Philosophical Analysis and Experimental Philosophy" (Special Issue of Discipline Filosofiche, 2015); with Clotilde Calabi, Annalisa Coliva and Giorgio Volpe, he coedited "Teorie della Conoscenza" (Raffaello Cortina, 2015); with Filippo Ferrari, Sebastiano Moruzzi, Nikolaj Pedersen, he is co-editing the special issue "Logical Pluralism and Normativity" for Inquiry.
Selected publications
  • Sereni A. , F. Boccuni , ). (eds. (2016) Objectivity, Realism and Proof. FilMat Studies in the Philosophy of Mathematics. (Essays by: S. Shapiro, M. Piazza, L. Horsten, M. Piazza, A. Antonelli, A. Arana, M. Panza, R. May, F. Poggiolesi, N. Barton, B. Halimi, M. Imocrante, R. Knowles, C. Nicolai,. Springer, BOSTON STUDIES IN THE PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE, ISSN: 0068-0346
  • Sereni A. , D. Molinini , F. Pataut , ). (eds. (2016) Indispensability and Explanation. Special Issue of Synthese. (Essays by: A. Baker, F. Pataut, S. Baron, S. De Bianchi, D. Molinini, A. Sereni, J. Busch, J. Morrison, J. Hunt, M. Panza, H. Galinon, D. Liggins, M. Plebani). SYNTHESE, ISSN: 0039-7857
  • Sereni A. , C. Calabi , A. Coliva , G. Volpe , ). (eds. (2015) Teorie della Conoscenza (Italian collections of translated essays by: L. BonJour, K. DeRose, F. Dretske, R. Firth, E. Gettier, A. Goldman, J. Greco, C.I. Lewis, R. Nozick, D. Pritchard, J. Pryor, E. Sosa, T. Williamson, C. Wright). Raffaello Cortina Editore, Milano, ISBN: 978-88-6030-779-8
  • Sereni A. , M. Alai , G. Volpe , ). (eds. (2015) Philosophical Analysis and Experimental Philosophy. (Essays by: E. Sosa, J. Weinberg, S. Bland, B. Huebner, A. Tomasetta, M. Pantsar, H.F. Thorsteinsson, F. Ervas & E. Gola & A. Ledda & G. Sergioli, R. Davies). DISCIPLINE FILOSOFICHE, vol. XXV, p. 1-190, Quodlibet, Macerata, ISSN: 1591-9625
  • Sereni A. , M. Panza (2013) Introduction à la philosophie des mathématiques . Flammarion, Paris
  • Sereni A. , M. Panza (2013) Plato’s Problem. An Introduction to Mathematical Platonism. Palgrave Macmillan
  • Sereni A. , M. Panza (2010) Il problema di Platone. Un'introduzione storica alla filosofia della matematica. Carocci, Roma
  • Sereni A., M. Panza (2018) Frege's Constraint and the Nature of Frege's Foundational Program. Review of Symbolic Logic
  • Sereni A., M. Sforza Fogliani (2017) How to water a thousand flowers. On the logic of logical pluralism . INQUIRY,
  • Sereni A. (2017) A Dilemma for Benacerraf’s Dilemma?. Pataut F, Truth, Objects, Infinity. New Perspectives on the Philosophy of Paul Benacerraf. LOGIC, EPISTEMOLOGY, AND THE UNITY OF SCIENCE, p. 93-125, Springer, ISBN: 978-3-319-45978-3, doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-45980-6
  • Sereni A., D. Rose, E. Machery, S. Stich, . (et. al.) (2017) Nothing at stake in Knowledge. NOÛS, p. 1-24, ISSN: 1468-0068, doi: doi:10.1111/nous.12211
  • Sereni A. (2016) Equivalent Explanations and Mathematical Realism. Reply to ‘Evidence, Explanation, and Enhanced Indispensability. SYNTHESE, doi: 0.1007/s11229-014-0491-5
  • Sereni A., M. Panza (2016) The Varieties of Indispensability Arguments. SYNTHESE, doi: 10.1007/s11229-015-0977-9
  • Sereni A. (2016) Indispensability and Explanation: An Overview and Introduction. SYNTHESE, doi: DOI 10.1007/s11229-015-0998-4
  • Sereni A., D. Molinini, F. Pataut (2016) Indispensability and Explanation: An Overview and Introduction. SYNTHESE, doi: DOI 10.1007/s11229-015-0998-4
  • Sereni A. (2015) Frege, Indispensability, and the Compatibilist Heresy. Philosophia Mathematica
  • Sereni A., M. Panza (2015) On the Indispensable Premises of Indispensability Argument. (a cura di): Lolli G, Panza M, Venturi G, From Logic to Practice. Italian Studies in the Philosophy of Mathematics. BOSTON STUDIES IN THE PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE, p. 241-276, ISBN: 978-3-319-10434-8, ISSN: 0068-0346
  • Sereni A. (2014) L’argomento di indispensabilità. La matematica nella società e nella cultura – Rivista della Unione Matematica Italiana, Serie I, Vol. VII, N. 3 (Dicembre 2014); Matematica e filosofia, a cura di Claudio Fontanari e Achille C. Varzi.
  • Sereni A. (2013) Applications, Applicability, and Frege's Constraint. Some Remarks on Contemporary Platonism. PARADIGMI, vol. 3, p. 91-110, ISSN: 1120-3404
  • Sereni A. (2013) Mathematical Realism: What’s New?. QUAESTIO, vol. 12, p. 551-566, ISSN: 1379-2547
  • Sereni A., J. Busch (2012) Indispensability Arguments and their Quinean Heritage. DISPUTATIO, vol. IV, p. 343-360, ISSN: 0873-626X
  • Sereni A. (2012) On the Very Idea of an Indispensability Argument. (a cura di): Graziani P., Guzzardi L., Sangoi M., Open Problems in Philosophy of Sciences. p. 101-116, College Publications, London, ISBN: 978-1-84890-062-2