Research on Neurolinguistics
- Neurobiological foundations of syntax
- Possible vs. impossible languages
- Neuropragmatics and neural basis of figurative language
- Negation in the brain
- The quest for the neurobiological basis of syntax by awake surgical procedures
Research on Theoretical syntax
- Computation, recursion and complexity
- Theory of Movement (Long Distance Dependencies)
- Clause structure (expletives, copular inversion and unaccusativity)
- Syntax-semantics interface (focus, vocative, definiteness effect)
- Directionality (Top-Down, Left-Right) of phrase structure building
Research on Philosophy of mind and language
- Consciousness and subjectivity
- Neuroethics and Philosophy of neuroscience
- Philosophical logic and formal semantics
- Logic and philosophy of mathematics
- Mind and society
Research on social neuroscience
- Language, cognitive disorders and neurodegenerative disease
- Neural organization of semantic memory
- Episodic memory, normal and pathological aging
- Neural bases of economic decision
- Neural bases of socio-emotional changes in brain disorders
NeTS center is fully equipped for psycholinguistic experiments:
- Eye Tracker - EyeLink 2000 Hz
- CEDRUS response pad
- ZOOM H4 - digital recorder
- SAMSUNG HMX-Q100BP HD - video recorder
- Presentation Software