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(70 Graduate seminars, 39 other events organized in 2018)
Graduate seminars at NeTS Russell and Frege on the Power of Symbols and the Compositionality of Linguistic Expressions Pieranna Garavaso ()IUSS10/1/2018
Graduate seminars at NeTSLa natura cognitiva delle inferenze Marco Mazzone (Università di Catania)IUSS16/1/2018
Graduate courses at NeTSPhilosophy of mindProf. Michele Di Francesco (IUSS Pavia)IUSS30/1/2018
Graduate courses at NeTSPhilosophy of mindProf. Michele Di Francesco (IUSS Pavia)IUSS31/1/2018
Graduate courses at NeTSPhilosophy of mindProf. Michele Di Francesco (IUSS Pavia)IUSS1/2/2018
Graduate courses at NeTSPhilosophy of mindProf. Michele Di Francesco (IUSS Pavia)IUSS1/2/2018
Graduate courses at NeTSNeuroanatomical foundations of cognition IProf. Stefano Cappa (IUSS Pavia)IUSS19/2/2018
Graduate courses at NeTSNeuroanatomical foundations of cognition IProf. Stefano Cappa (IUSS Pavia)IUSS21/2/2018
Graduate courses at NeTSNeuroanatomical foundations of cognition IProf. Stefano Cappa (IUSS Pavia)IUSS23/2/2018
Graduate courses at NeTSEpistemologyProf. Andrea Sereni (IUSS Pavia)IUSS27/2/2018
Graduate courses at NeTSEpistemologyProf. Andrea Sereni (IUSS Pavia)IUSS28/2/2018
Graduate courses at NeTSEpistemologyProf. Andrea Sereni (IUSS Pavia)IUSS1/3/2018
Graduate courses at NeTSEpistemologyProf. Andrea Sereni (IUSS Pavia)IUSS1/3/2018
Open SeminarFocus and Topic Propositions in Why Questions, an Experimental Study on ItalianDr. Francesco Beltrame (University of Siena)IUSS2/5/2018Abstract
Graduate courses at NeTSLanguage acquisition and machine learningProf. Cristiano Chesi (IUSS Pavia)IUSS7/5/2018
Graduate courses at NeTSLanguage acquisition and machine learningProf. Cristiano Chesi (IUSS Pavia)IUSS8/5/2018
Graduate courses at NeTSLanguage acquisition and machine learningProf. Cristiano Chesi (IUSS Pavia)IUSS9/5/2018
Graduate seminars at NeTSA Philosophical Puzzle Concerning Vision and Blindness Gabriele Ferretti (Università di Firenze)IUSS9/5/2018
Graduate seminars at NeTSAffective scaffolding and incorporations Giovanna Colombetti (University of Exeter)IUSS22/5/2018
Graduate seminars at NeTSFrom first-person perspective to self-representation Mariaflavia Cascelli (Università di Roma Tre)IUSS22/5/2018
Graduate seminars at NeTSTBA John Wigglesworth (University of Vienna)IUSS30/5/2018
Graduate seminars at NeTSTBA John Wigglesworth (University of Vienna)IUSS30/5/2018
WorkshopXPRAG.it 2018 Workshop (NeTS)IUSS30/5/2018
WorkshopXPRAG.it 2018 Workshop (NeTS)IUSS31/5/2018
WorkshopXPRAG.it 2018 Workshop (NeTS)IUSS1/6/2018
Graduate seminars at NeTSI know how I know: perceptual experience, self-awareness and self-knowledge Andrea Giananti (University of Fribourg)IUSS5/6/2018
Graduate courses at NeTSCognitive Neuroscience LabProf. Nicola Canessa (IUSS Pavia)IUSS12/6/2018
Graduate seminars at NeTSAdopting and revising logical principles: how and why Carlo Nicolai ()IUSS12/6/2018
WorkshopThe rich meaning of expletive negationProf. Denis Delfitto (University of Verona)IUSS13/6/2018Abstract
WorkshopMirroringstrong and weak NPIs and PPIsProf. Hedde Zeijlstra (Georg-August-University in Göttingen)IUSS13/6/2018
Graduate courses at NeTSCognitive Neuroscience LabProf. Nicola Canessa (IUSS Pavia)IUSS19/6/2018
Graduate seminars at NeTSKnowledge by Acquaintance Is a Sui Generis Kind of Knowledge Anna Giustina (Institut Jean Nicod)IUSS20/6/2018
Open SeminarDependency and DirectionalityProf. Marcel den Dikken (Hungarian Academy of Sciences)IUSS25/6/2018Abstract
Open SeminarOne syntax for all: A unified representational system for syntax and phonologyProf. Marcel den Dikken (Hungarian Academy of Sciences)IUSS26/6/2018Abstract
Graduate seminars at NeTSVague existence and criteria of identity Michele Lubrano ()IUSS27/6/2018
Graduate courses at NeTSCognitive Neuroscience LabProf. Nicola Canessa (IUSS Pavia)IUSS29/6/2018
Graduate courses at NeTSCognitive Neuroscience LabProf. Nicola Canessa (IUSS Pavia)IUSS2/7/2018
Graduate courses at NeTSCognitive Neuroscience LabProf. Nicola Canessa (IUSS Pavia)IUSS3/7/2018
Open SeminarVarieties of Sobel SequencesProf. Michela Ippolito (University of Toronto)IUSS4/7/2018Abstract
Graduate courses at NeTSCognitive Neuroscience LabProf. Nicola Canessa (IUSS Pavia)IUSS17/7/2018
Graduate seminars at NeTS'Thin Objects' in the Scientific and Mathematical Structuralism for a Weak ApproachDr. Silvia Bianchi (IUSS Pavia)IUSS10/9/2018
Graduate seminars at NeTSClarifying the problem of for-me-ness Alberto Barbieri ()IUSS10/9/2018
Graduate seminars at NeTSStop beating around the bush! Development of a Gricean-based training program for restoring pragmatic comprehension and productionDr. Elisabetta Tonini (IUSS Pavia)IUSS13/9/2018
Graduate seminars at NeTSHumor in the brain and neural bases of pragmatic abilitiesPh.D. Luca Bischetti ()IUSS13/9/2018
NE(S)TS meetingThe expression of proper locations and beyond: the motion -to and state-in Italian spatial prepositionsPh.D. Paolo Lorusso (IUSS Pavia)IUSS25/9/2018Abstract
Graduate seminars at NeTSThe multidimensionality of abstract conceptsDr. Francesca Conca (IUSS Pavia)IUSS25/9/2018
Graduate seminars at NeTSThe processing of social interaction: neural bases and development of novel asessment tools Maria Arioli ()IUSS25/9/2018
Graduate seminars at NeTSNeuro-cognitive correlates of alcohol consumptionDr.ssa Caterina Galandra ()IUSS25/9/2018
Graduate seminars at NeTSCapturing Consequence Alexander Paseau (University of Oxford)IUSS2/10/2018
Graduate seminars at NeTSPhilosophy Seminar, IUSS Visiting Scholar – Mathematical Structuralism and Implicit Structure: Two Ways to Think About Mathematical Structure Georg Schiemer (University of Vienna)IUSS9/10/2018
Graduate seminars at NeTSPhilosophy Seminar, IUSS Visiting Scholar – Mathematical Structuralism and Implicit Structure: What is Implicit Structure? Georg Schiemer (University of Vienna)IUSS10/10/2018
Graduate seminars at NeTSPhilosophy Seminar, IUSS Visiting Scholar – Mathematical Structuralism and Implicit Structure: Notions of Structural Equivalence Georg Schiemer (University of Vienna)IUSS11/10/2018
Graduate seminars at NeTSConceptual GroundingPh.D. Luca Zanetti (IUSS Pavia)IUSS11/10/2018
Graduate seminars at NeTSMathematisation and Eulerian Treatment Davide Rizza (University of East Anglia)IUSS17/10/2018
Graduate seminars at NeTSOn Two Aspects of Auditory Experience Elvira Di Bona (The Van Leer Jerusalem Institut)IUSS24/10/2018Abstract
Graduate seminars at NeTSInductive Inference and Structures: How to Learn Equality in the Limit Luca San Mauro (TU Wien)IUSS30/10/2018
Graduate seminars at NeTSI know how I know: perceptual experience, self-awareness and self-knowledge Andrea Giananti (University of Fribourg)IUSS14/11/2018
Graduate seminars at NeTSUnrestricted Quantification and the Structure of Type Theory Salvatore Florio (University of Birmingham)IUSS19/11/2018
Graduate courses at NeTSIntroduction to linguisticsProf. Luigi Rizzi (Collège de France)IUSS22/11/2018Abstract
Graduate courses at NeTSIntroduction to linguistics Valentina Bianchi (University of Siena)IUSS23/11/2018Abstract
Graduate courses at NeTSIntroduction to linguisticsProf. Adriana Belletti (University of Siena)IUSS23/11/2018Abstract
Graduate courses at NeTSIntroduction to linguistics computation and complexityProf. Cristiano Chesi (IUSS Pavia)IUSS3/12/2018Abstract
Graduate courses at NeTSIntroduction to linguistics computation and complexityProf. Cristiano Chesi (IUSS Pavia)IUSS4/12/2018Abstract
Graduate seminars at NeTSThe Conceptual Hierarchy in Bolzano's Conception of Grounding (joint work with Arianna Betti) Pauline van Wierst (University of Amsterdam)IUSS4/12/2018
Graduate courses at NeTSIntroduction to linguistics computation and complexityProf. Cristiano Chesi (IUSS Pavia)IUSS6/12/2018Abstract
Graduate seminars at NeTSConnecting Norms and Ideality in Semantics for Deontic Logic (joint work with Alessandro Giordani) Ilaria Canavotto (University of Amsterdam, ILLC)IUSS11/12/2018
Graduate seminars at NeTSIntensional Biases in Affordance Perception: An Explanatory Issue for Radical Enactivism Silvano Zipoli Caiani (Università di Firenze)IUSS12/12/2018Abstract
Open Seminar15th Annual Conference of the Italian Association for Cognitive Sciences Conference ()IUSS17/12/2018Abstract
Open Seminar15th Annual Conference of the Italian Association for Cognitive Sciences Conference ()IUSS18/12/2018Abstract
Open Seminar15th Annual Conference of the Italian Association for Cognitive Sciences Conference ()IUSS19/12/2018Abstract