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(66 Graduate seminars, 40 other events organized in 2019)
Graduate seminars at NeTSEpistemic emotions: the building blocks of intellectual virtues Laura Candiotto (University of Edinburgh)IUSS7/1/2019Abstract
NE(S)TS meetingA brief history of the copulaProf. Andrea Moro (IUSS Pavia)IUSS16/1/2019
NE(S)TS meetingA brief history of the copulaProf. Andrea Moro (IUSS Pavia)IUSS4/2/2019
Graduate seminars at NeTSCognitive science and the naturalization of contentProf. Alfredo Paternoster ()IUSS4/2/2019Abstract
Graduate seminars at NeTSCognitive science and the naturalization of contentProf. Alfredo Paternoster ()IUSS5/2/2019Abstract
Graduate seminars at NeTSCognitive science and the naturalization of contentProf. Alfredo Paternoster ()IUSS8/2/2019Abstract
Graduate courses at NeTSExtending what? Extended mind, (radical) enactivism, and the mark of the mentalProf. Michele Di Francesco (IUSS Pavia)IUSS11/2/2019
Graduate courses at NeTSExtending what? Extended mind, (radical) enactivism, and the mark of the mentalProf. Michele Di Francesco (IUSS Pavia)IUSS12/2/2019
Graduate courses at NeTSExtending what? Extended mind, (radical) enactivism, and the mark of the mentalProf. Michele Di Francesco (IUSS Pavia)IUSS13/2/2019
Graduate courses at NeTSExtending what? Extended mind, (radical) enactivism, and the mark of the mentalProf. Michele Di Francesco (IUSS Pavia)IUSS13/2/2019
Graduate seminars at NeTSWise Pens, Evil Cardigans, Powerful Reptiles, and Other Strange Things Anna Ichino (Università di Milano)IUSS26/2/2019Abstract
NE(S)TS meetingA brief history of the copulaProf. Andrea Moro (IUSS Pavia)IUSS27/2/2019
Graduate seminars at NeTSPhilosophy Masterclass, IUSS Visiting Scholar - Anti-Exceptionalism About Logic (with Benjamin Martin) Ole Hjortland (University of Bergen)IUSS5/3/2019Abstract
Graduate seminars at NeTSPhilosophy Masterclass, IUSS Visiting Scholar - Anti-Exceptionalism About Logic (with Benjamin Martin) Ole Hjortland (University of Bergen)IUSS6/3/2019Abstract
Graduate seminars at NeTSPhilosophy Masterclass, IUSS Visiting Scholar - Anti-Exceptionalism About Logic (with Benjamin Martin) Ole Hjortland (University of Bergen)IUSS7/3/2019Abstract
WorkshopIUSS-Bergen-COGITO Conference – Anti-Exceptionalism and Pluralisms: from Logics to Mathematics Workshop (NeTS)IUSS7/3/2019
WorkshopIUSS-Bergen-COGITO Conference – Anti-Exceptionalism and Pluralisms: from Logics to Mathematics Workshop (NeTS)IUSS8/3/2019
WorkshopIUSS-Bergen-COGITO Conference – Anti-Exceptionalism and Pluralisms: from Logics to Mathematics Workshop (NeTS)IUSS8/3/2019
WorkshopIUSS-Bergen-COGITO Conference – Anti-Exceptionalism and Pluralisms: from Logics to Mathematics Workshop (NeTS)IUSS9/3/2019
Graduate seminars at NeTSLogic in analytic philosophy (1941-2010): a distant reading analysis Paolo Tripodi (Università di Torino)IUSS27/3/2019
NE(S)TS meetingA brief history of the copulaProf. Andrea Moro (IUSS Pavia)IUSS3/4/2019
NE(S)TS meetingA brief history of the copulaProf. Andrea Moro (IUSS Pavia)IUSS11/4/2019
NE(S)TS meetingA brief history of the copulaProf. Andrea Moro (IUSS Pavia)IUSS16/4/2019
Open SeminarConceptual engineering and conceptual change: mind and mathematics Reading Group ()IUSS7/5/2019
Open SeminarConceptual engineering and conceptual change: mind and mathematics Reading Group ()IUSS14/5/2019
NE(S)TS meetingSyntax reading groupProf. Andrea Moro (IUSS Pavia)IUSS15/5/2019
Open SeminarConceptual engineering and conceptual change: mind and mathematics Reading Group ()IUSS27/5/2019
NE(S)TS meetingSyntax reading groupProf. Andrea Moro (IUSS Pavia)IUSS4/6/2019
Open SeminarConceptual engineering and conceptual change: mind and mathematics Reading Group ()IUSS6/6/2019
NE(S)TS meetingSyntax reading groupProf. Andrea Moro (IUSS Pavia)IUSS13/6/2019
Open SeminarConceptual engineering and conceptual change: mind and mathematics Reading Group ()IUSS17/6/2019
Open SeminarConceptual engineering and conceptual change: mind and mathematics Reading Group ()IUSS18/6/2019
Open SeminarConceptual engineering and conceptual change: mind and mathematics Reading Group ()IUSS25/6/2019
Open SeminarConceptual engineering and conceptual change: mind and mathematics Reading Group ()IUSS26/6/2019
Graduate seminars at NeTSConceptual change and reference shift in mathematics Marina Imocrante (IHPST - CNRS, Université Franco Italienne)IUSS26/6/2019
NE(S)TS meetingSyntax reading groupProf. Andrea Moro (IUSS Pavia)IUSS27/6/2019
Open SeminarNegation-Licensed CommandsProfessor of Linguistics, Graduate Program Director Sabine Iatridou (MIT)IUSS2/7/2019Abstract
NE(S)TS meetingSyntax reading groupProf. Andrea Moro (IUSS Pavia)IUSS10/7/2019
Open SeminarStructure building in speakingPh.D. Shota Momma (University of California, San Diego)IUSS16/7/2019Abstract
Graduate seminars at NeTSRescuing Implicit Definition from Abstractionism Daniel Waxman (Lingnan University, Hong Kong)IUSS17/7/2019
NE(S)TS meetingSyntax reading groupProf. Andrea Moro (IUSS Pavia)IUSS23/7/2019
NE(S)TS meetingSyntax reading groupProf. Andrea Moro (IUSS Pavia)IUSS10/9/2019
NE(S)TS meetingsyntax reading groupProf. Andrea Moro (IUSS Pavia)IUSS17/9/2019
Graduate seminars at NeTSIssues in Theoretical SyntaxProf. Cecilia Poletto (Università degli studi di Padova)IUSS23/9/2019
NE(S)TS meetingSyntax reading groupProf. Andrea Moro (IUSS Pavia)IUSS24/9/2019
NE(S)TS meetingsyntax reading groupProf. Andrea Moro (IUSS Pavia)IUSS1/10/2019
NE(S)TS meetingSyntax reading groupProf. Andrea Moro (IUSS Pavia)IUSS8/10/2019
Open SeminarEmotions: development, art and public life Cristina Meini (Università del Piemonte Orientale)IUSS8/10/2019
Open SeminarEmotions: development, art and public life Cristina Meini (Università del Piemonte Orientale)IUSS9/10/2019
Open SeminarEmotions: development, art and public life Cristina Meini (Università del Piemonte Orientale)IUSS10/10/2019
Graduate seminars at NeTSPhilosophy Seminar, IUSS Visiting Scholar - Abstraction principles: presupposition and arrogance Bahram Assadian (University of Amsterdam)IUSS23/10/2019
Graduate seminars at NeTSPhilosophy Seminar, IUSS Visiting Scholar - What is a mathematical structure? Bahram Assadian (University of Amsterdam)IUSS24/10/2019
Open SeminarAims and scopes of Philosophy of Psychology. The theory of emotion as an example Sara Dellantonio (Università di Trento)IUSS30/10/2019
Graduate courses at NeTSSeminar in linguistics Valentina Bianchi (University of Siena)IUSS11/11/2019Abstract
Graduate seminars at NeTSPhilosophy Masterclass, IUSS Visiting Scholar - Modal Metaphysics as Logic Agustín Rayo (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)IUSS12/11/2019
Graduate seminars at NeTSPhilosophy Masterclass, IUSS Visiting Scholar - Modal Metaphysics as Logic Agustín Rayo (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)IUSS14/11/2019
Graduate seminars at NeTSPhilosophy Masterclass, IUSS Visiting Scholar - Modal Metaphysics as Logic Agustín Rayo (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)IUSS15/11/2019
Graduate seminars at NeTSPhilosophy Masterclass, IUSS Visiting Scholar - Power Structuralism. Toward a New Metaphysics, beyond D.M. Armstrong and D. Lewis Anna Marmodoro (University of Durham & University of Oxford)IUSS26/11/2019
Graduate seminars at NeTSPhilosophy Masterclass, IUSS Visiting Scholar - Power Structuralism. Toward a New Metaphysics, beyond D.M. Armstrong and D. Lewis Anna Marmodoro (University of Durham & University of Oxford)IUSS27/11/2019
Graduate seminars at NeTSIntroduction to Linguistic Computation (and on-line processing)Prof. Cristiano Chesi (IUSS Pavia)IUSS16/12/2019 - 2019_20-phd-intro_to_ling_comp_complexity_memory.pdf [710.63 KB] -
Graduate seminars at NeTSIntroduction to Linguistic Computation (and on-line processing)Prof. Cristiano Chesi (IUSS Pavia)IUSS17/12/2019
Graduate seminars at NeTSPhilosophy Seminar, IUSS Visiting Scholar - Applications: examples from pre-Euclidean and post-Euclidean Mathematics Daniele Molinini (University of Lisbon)IUSS17/12/2019
Graduate seminars at NeTSTBA Robert Frank (Yale University, New Haven)IUSS17/12/2019
Graduate seminars at NeTSIntroduction to Linguistic Computation (and on-line processing)Prof. Cristiano Chesi (IUSS Pavia)IUSS18/12/2019
Graduate seminars at NeTSWhat Is Anti-Haecceitism, and What Can Make It True? Maria Scarpati (University of Geneva)IUSS18/12/2019
Graduate seminars at NeTSPhilosophy Seminar, IUSS Visiting Scholar - The Applicability of Mathematics: Philosophical Issues Daniele Molinini (University of Lisbon)IUSS19/12/2019