Faculty Selected Publications    |    PhD Selected Publications

  • Bambini V. , L. Bischetti , C. Bonomi , G. Arcara , S. Lecce , M. Ceroni (2020) Beyond the motor account of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: Verbal humour and its relationship with the cognitive and pragmatic profile. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders 55(5):751-764
  • Bambini V. , G. Arcara , F. Bosinelli , M. Buonocore , M. Bechi , R. Cavallaro , M. Bosia (2020) A leopard cannot change its spots: A novel pragmatic account of concretism in schizophrenia. Neuropsychologia 139:107332

  • 2019
  • Malpetti M. , G. Carli , A. Sala , C. Cerami , A. Marcone , S. Iannaccone , G. Magnani , D. Perani (2019) Variant-specific vulnerability in metabolic connectivity and resting-state networks in behavioural variant of frontotemporal dementia. Cortex
  • Dodich A. , C. Cerami , E. Inguscio , S. Iannaccone , G. Magnani , A. Marcone , P. Guglielmo , G. Vanoli , S. Cappa , D. Perani (2019) The clinico-metabolic correlates of language impairment in corticobasal syndrome and progressive supranuclear palsy. NeuroImage Clinical
  • Gianelli C. , K. Kühne , S. Lo Presti , S. Mencaraglia , R. Dalla Volta (2019) Action processing in the motor system: Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) evidence of shared mechanisms in the visual and linguistic modalities. Brain and Cognition
  • Pisoni A. , G. Mattavelli , A. Casarotti , A. Comi , M. Riva , L. Bello , C. Papagno (2019) The neural correlates of auditory-verbal short-term memory: a voxel-based lesion-symptom mapping study on 103 patients after glioma removal. Brain Structure and Function
  • Mattavelli G. , A. Pisoni , A. Casarotti , A. Comi , G. Sera , M. Riva , . (et. al.) (2019) Consequences of brain tumour resection on emotion recognition. Journal of Neuropsychology
  • Canal P. , L. Bischetti , S. Di Paola , C. Bertini , I. Ricci , V. Bambini (2019) ‘Honey, shall I change the baby? – Well done, choose another one’: ERP and time-frequency correlates of humor processing. Brain and Cognition 132:41-55

  • 2018
  • Della Rosa P. , E. Catricalà , M. Canini , G. Vigliocco , S. Cappa (2018) The left inferior frontal gyrus: A neural crossroads between abstract and concrete knowledge. NeuroImage
  • Arioli M. , D. Perani , S. Cappa , A. Proverbio , A. Zani , A. Falini , N. Canessa (2018) Affective and cooperative social interactions modulate effective connectivity within and between the mirror and mentalizing systems. Human Brain Mapping
  • Borsa V. , D. Perani , P. Della Rosa , G. Videsott , L. Guidi , B. Weekes , R. Franceschini , J. Abutalebi (2018) Bilingualism and healthy aging: Aging effects and neural maintenance. Neuropsychologia
  • Pisoni A. , G. Mattavelli , A. Casarotti , A. Comi , M. Riva , L. Bello , C. Papagno (2018) Object-action dissociation: A voxel-based lesion-symptom mapping study on 102 patients after glioma removal. NeuroImage: Clinical

  • 2017
  • Zanin E. , M. Riva , V. Bambini , S. Cappa , L. Magrassi , A. Moro (2017) The contribution of surgical brain mapping to the understanding of the anatomo-functional basis of syntax: A critical review. Neurological Sciences 38(9):1579–1589
  • Tettamanti M. , M. Vaghi , B. Bara , S. Cappa , I. Enrici , M. Adenzato (2017) Effective connectivity gateways to the Theory of Mind network in processing communicative intention. Neuroimage. 2017 Apr 21. pii: S1053-8119(17)30367-1

  • 2016
  • Bambini V. , G. Arcara , I. Martinelli , S. Bernini , E. Alvisi , A. Moro , S. Cappa , M. Ceroni (2016) Communication and pragmatic breakdowns in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients. Brain and Language 153–154:1–12
  • Canini M. , P. Della Rosa , E. Catricalà , K. Strijkers , F. Branzi , A. Costa , J. Abutalebi (2016) Semantic interference and its control: a functional neuroimaging and connectivity study. Human Brain Mapping
  • Bambini V. , G. Arcara , M. Bechi , M. Buonocore , R. Cavallaro , M. Bosia (2016) The communicative impairment as a core feature of schizophrenia: Frequency of pragmatic deficit, cognitive substrates, and relation with quality of life. Comprehensive Psychiatry 71:106-120
  • Dodich A. , C. Cerami , S. Iannaccone , A. Marcone , P. Alongi , C. Crespi , N. Canessa , F. Andreetta , A. Falini , S. Cappa , D. Perani (2016) Neuropsychological and FDG-PET profiles in VGKC autoimmune limbic encephalitis. Brain and Cognition
  • Bosia M. , G. Arcara , M. Buonocore , M. Bechi , A. Moro , R. Cavallaro , V. Bambini (2016) Communication in schizophrenia, between pragmatics, cognition, and social cognition. In: A.M. Di Sciullo (ed.) Biolinguistic Investigations on the Language Faculty. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 213-234.
  • Borsa V. , P. Della Rosa , E. Catricalà , M. Canini , A. Iadanza , A. Falini , J. Abutalebi , S. Iannaccone (2016) Interference and conflict monitoring in individuals with aMCI: a structural study of the anterior cingulate cortex. Journal of Neuropsychology

  • 2015
  • Albertini S. , M. Tettamanti , A. Moro (2015) Sentence randomization task as a method for assessing the psychological reality of phrase structure. Abstract in Atti del convegno AMLAP 2015
  • Abutalebi J. , L. Guidi , V. Borsa , M. Canini , P. Della Rosa , B. Parris , B. Weekes (2015) Bilingualism provides a neural reserve for aging populations. Neuropsychologia
  • Sereni A. , C. Calabi , A. Coliva , G. Volpe , ). (eds. (2015) Teorie della Conoscenza (Italian collections of translated essays by: L. BonJour, K. DeRose, F. Dretske, R. Firth, E. Gettier, A. Goldman, J. Greco, C.I. Lewis, R. Nozick, D. Pritchard, J. Pryor, E. Sosa, T. Williamson, C. Wright). Raffaello Cortina Editore, Milano, ISBN: 978-88-6030-779-8
  • Dodich A. , C. Cerami , N. Canessa , C. Crespi , S. Iannaccone , A. Marcone , S. Realmuto , G. Lettieri , D. Perani , S. Cappa (2015) A novel task assessing intention and emotion attribution: Italian standardization and normative data of the Story-based Empathy Task. Neurological Sciences
  • Moro A. , V. Bambini , M. Bosia , S. Anselmetti , R. Riccaboni , S. Cappa , E. Smeraldi , R. Cavallaro (2015) Detecting syntactic and semantic anomalies in schizophrenia. Neuropsychologia 79(Part A):147-157
  • Catricalà E. , P. Della Rosa , V. Plebani , D. Perani , P. Garrard , S. Cappa (2015) Semantic feature degradation and naming performance. Evidence from neurodegenerative disorders. Brain & Language
  • Iaccarino L. , C. Crespi , P. Della Rosa , E. Catricalà , L. Guidi , A. Marcone , F. Tagliavini , G. Magnani , S. Cappa , D. Perani (2015) The Semantic Variant of Primary Progressive Aphasia: Clinical and Neuroimaging Evidence in Single Subjects. PLoS One
  • Bosia M. , G. Arcara , A. Moro , R. Cavallaro , V. Bambini (2015) Pragmatic abilities across symptoms dimensions in schizophrenia. Studi italiani di linguistica teorica e applicata (SILTA), Numero monografico: Tra linguistica medica e linguistica clinica. Il ruolo del linguista, a cura di Franca Orletti, Francesca M. Dovetto & Anna Cardinaletti, XLIV(3): 473-485

  • 2014
  • Catani M. , V. Bambini (2014) A model for Social Communication And Language Evolution and Development (SCALED). Current Opinion in Neurobiology 28:165-171
  • Della Rosa P. , M. Canini , V. Borsa , P. Mari?en , S. Cappa , J. Abutalebi (2014) Functional recovery in subcortical crossed and standard aphasia. Journal of Neurolinguistics
  • Albertini S. , M. Ricco , C. Chesi , M. Tettamanti , A. Moro (2014) Working memory and syntactic constituency in Language and Music. Abstract in Atti dell'XI convegno AISC 2014: NEA SCIENCE, ISSN: 2282-6009
  • Della Rosa P. , E. Catricalà , S. De Battisti , D. Vinson , G. Vigliocco , S. Cappa (2014) How to assess abstract conceptual knowledge: construction, standardization and validation of a new battery of semantic memory tests. Functional neurology
  • Catricalà E. , P. Della Rosa , V. Plebani , G. Vigliocco , S. Cappa (2014) Abstract and concrete categories? Evidences from neurodegenerative diseases . Neuropsychologia

  • 2013
  • Albertini S. , M. Tettamanti , A. Moro (2013) The impossible chaos: When the mind cannot eliminate language structure. Abstract in rivista: GLOW NEWSLETTER, ISSN: 0924-8749
  • Della Rosa P. , G. Videsott , V. Borsa , M. Canini , B. Weekes , R. Franceschini , J. Abutalebi (2013) A neural interactive location for multilngual talent . Cortex
  • Canessa N. , C. Crespi , M. Motterlini , G. Baud-Bovy , G. Chierchia , G. Pantaleo , M. Tettamanti , S. Cappa (2013) The functional and structural neural basis of individual differences in loss aversion. The Journal of Neuroscience

  • 2012
  • Bambini V. , I. Ricci , P. Bertinetto (2012) (a cura di) Linguaggio e cervello - Semantica / Language and the brain - Semantics, Atti del XLII Convegno della Società di Linguistica Italiana. Roma: Bulzoni
  • Tettamanti M. , A. Moro (2012) Can syntax appear in a mirror (system)?. Cortex 48, Special issue on language and the motor system, pp. 923-935.
  • Canessa N. , F. Alemanno , F. Riva , A. Zani , A. Proverbio , N. Mannara , D. Perani , S. Cappa (2012) The neural bases of social intention understanding: the role of interaction goals. PLoS One
  • Mattavelli G. , A. Casarotti , M. Forgiarini , M. Riva , L. Bello , C. Papagno (2012) Decision-making abilities in patients with frontal low-grade glioma. Journal of Neuro-Oncology

  • 2011
  • Catricalà E. , P. Della Rosa , P. Ortelli , V. Ginex , A. Marcone , D. Perani , S. Cappa (2011) The evolution of alexia in two cases of posterior cortical atrophy. Behavioural neurology
  • Proverbio A. , F. Riva , L. Paganelli , S. Cappa , N. Canessa , D. Perani , A. Zani (2011) Neural coding of cooperative vs. affective human interactions: 150 ms to code the action's purpose. PLoS One
  • Bambini V. , C. Gentili , E. Ricciardi , P. Bertinetto , P. Pietrini (2011) Decomposing metaphor processing at the cognitive and neural level through functional magnetic resonance imaging. Brain Research Bulletin 86(3-4):203-216
  • Canessa N. , M. Motterlini , F. Alemanno , D. Perani , S. Cappa (2011) Learning from other people's experience: a neuroimaging study of decisional interactive-learning. Neuroimage

  • 2010
  • Della Rosa P. , E. Catricalà , G. Vigliocco , S. Cappa (2010) Beyond the abstract-concrete dichotomy: mode of acquisition, concreteness, imageability, familiarity, age of acquisition, context availability, and abstractness norms for a set of 417 Italian words. Behavior Research Methods

  • 2009
  • Canessa N. , M. Motterlini , C. Di Dio , D. Perani , P. Scifo , S. Cappa , G. Rizzolatti (2009) Understanding others' regret: a FMRI study. PLoS One

  • 2008b
  • Tettamanti M. , R. Manenti , P. Della Rosa , A. Falini , D. Perani , S. Cappa , A. Moro (2008b) Negation in the brain: modulating action representations. Neuroimage, Nov 1;43(2):358-67.

  • 2008a
  • Tettamanti M. , I. Rotondi , D. Perani , G. Scotti , F. Fazio , S. Cappa , A. Moro (2008a) Syntax without language: neurobiological evidence for cross-domain syntactic computations. Cortex, Jul-Aug;45(7):825-38.

  • 2008
  • Canessa N. , F. Borgo , S. Cappa , D. Perani , A. Falini , G. Buccino , M. Tettamanti , T. Shallice (2008) The different neural correlates of action and functional knowledge in semantic memory: an FMRI study. Cerebral Cortex

  • 2007
  • Abutalebi J. , S. Brambati , J. Annoni , A. Moro , S. Cappa , D. Perani (2007) Auditory perception of language switches: controlled versus automatic processing as revealed by event-related fMRI. Journal of Neuroscience. vol. 27(50):13762-13769.

  • 2005
  • Canessa N. , A. Gorini , S. Cappa , M. Piattelli-Palmarini , M. Danna , F. Fazio , D. Perani (2005) The effect of social content on deductive reasoning: an fMRI study. Human Brain Mapping

  • 2002
  • Tettamanti M. , H. Alkadhi , A. Moro , D. Perani , S. Kollias , D. Weniger (2002) Neural correlates for the acquisition of natural language syntax. NeuroImage, 17:700-709.

  • 2000
  • Moro A. , M. Tettamanti , D. Perani , C. Donati , S. Cappa , F. Fazio (2000) Syntax and the brain: disentangling grammar by selective anomalies. NeuroImage, 13, January 2001, Academic Press, Chicago, pagg. 110-118